Current Reports
There currently are not any new reports in progress or completed.
Past Reports
All past reports were done by SERTA or the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority before they were disbanded by a government repeal of their funding in June 2011. All reports originally came from the KRMonline site, that was part of the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) was archived in late September 2011 archived.
Reports and other project materials for the Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee (KRM) Environmental Impact Statement and Project Development phase may be obtained on this portion of the site. Those reports that are available are listed below.
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Reports and other project materials for the Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee (KRM) Environmental Impact Statement and Project Development phase may be obtained on this portion of the site. Those reports that are available are listed below.
Adobe Reader is required to view these documents. The program is available as a free download. If you are unsure if you have the reader, you can click on a link to any PDF file to see if it opens properly.
Past Project Phase - “New Starts” Application (Killed)
An application was recently submitted by the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SERTA) to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requesting permission to initiate preliminary engineering for a KRM commuter rail line as part of the FTA’s discretionary “New Starts” funding program. The “New Starts” application was prepared on behalf of SERTA by the KRM project consultant team, under the guidance of Regional Planning Commission staff, which currently serves as temporary staff to SERTA. Should the FTA approve the “New Starts” application, the SERTA Board of Directors would decide whether or not to initiate preliminary engineering on a KRM commuter rail line. FTA permission to enter preliminary engineering is necessary to continue project development on a KRM commuter rail line, and to potentially obtain an FTA “New Starts” discretionary grant to provide the Federal share of costs associated with implementing the line. A Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) would also be prepared during preliminary engineering. To view or download the full application, click on the following link:
Past Project Phase - Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the KRM project was recently prepared and filed according to the State and National Environmental Policy Acts, and describes a full range of commuter rail and bus alternatives, the affected environment, and an analysis of the environmental impacts of each alternative in the Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee corridor. The analysis includes the effects on land use, noise, vibration, and air quality, as well as the impacts on natural resources such as ecosystems and water resources. To view or download the full document, click on the following link:
A record of public comments received on the DEIS was recently prepared. This record includes a summary of the written and oral comments received during the formal public comment period, as well as the comments themselves, attendance records from the public hearings, materials announcing those hearings, materials distributed at those hearings, and newspaper articles pertaining to the DEIS. To view the record of public comments, click on this link:
A record of public comments received on the DEIS was recently prepared. This record includes a summary of the written and oral comments received during the formal public comment period, as well as the comments themselves, attendance records from the public hearings, materials announcing those hearings, materials distributed at those hearings, and newspaper articles pertaining to the DEIS. To view the record of public comments, click on this link:
Past Project Phase - Station Area Plans
A key component of the KRM Commuter Link project is determining the extent of opportunities for transit-oriented land use development and redevelopment around the proposed commuter rail station areas. To show this, a preliminary land use development plan concept was developed for each of the potential stations. Each plan shows possible development and redevelopment potential, as well as land uses, access and circulation, and possible urban design changes in the station area. These plans should not be viewed as final or absolute. Rather, they represent guides to what could be done in the station areas in the future, and what those station areas could be like in order to bring about areas that could attract more transit use. For each of these plans, the starting point was the local community planning and development efforts already underway. It is important to remember that these station area plans are future concepts and that ultimately, each local community will be responsible for determining to what degree their respective station plan is implemented.
Several reports are available that show the KRM station area planning work. A summary report that describes the overall potential for transit-oriented land use around the stations has been prepared. The current version of this report can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the following link:
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Portfolio - This report presents a review of the planning program for each station area including existing and possible future conditions, design plans, anticipated land use and economic effects, and planning and policy strategies. This report can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the following links. The report contains many graphics and maps. Because of its size, the sections may be accessed separately.
Several reports are available that show the KRM station area planning work. A summary report that describes the overall potential for transit-oriented land use around the stations has been prepared. The current version of this report can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the following link:
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Portfolio - This report presents a review of the planning program for each station area including existing and possible future conditions, design plans, anticipated land use and economic effects, and planning and policy strategies. This report can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the following links. The report contains many graphics and maps. Because of its size, the sections may be accessed separately.
- TOD - Introduction - February, 2007
- TOD - Section A: Kenosha - November, 2006
- TOD - Section B: Somers - December, 2006
- TOD - Section C: Racine - December, 2006
- TOD - Section D: Caledonia - January, 2007
- TOD - Section E: Oak Creek - December, 2006
- TOD - Section F: South Milwaukee - November, 2006
- TOD - Section G: Cudahy/St. Francis - November, 2006
- TOD - Section H: South Side Milwaukee - January, 2007
- TOD - Section I: Downtown Milwaukee - January, 2007
- TOD Appendix - Cover
- TOD Appendix - Kenosha Section
- TOD Appendix - Somers Section
- TOD Appendix - Racine Section
- TOD Appendix - Caledonia Section
- TOD Appendix - Oak Creek Section
- TOD Appendix - South Milwaukee Section
- TOD Appendix - Cudahy/St. Francis Section
- TOD Appendix - South Side Milwaukee Section
- TOD Appendix - Downtown Milwaukee Section
Past Project Phase - Technical Reports
Other technical reports as well as updated versions of these reports will be available as they are completed. A series of technical reports are being prepared under this project. These reports present the core of the technical findings and conclusions. Preliminary draft versions of these reports are being made available as they are completed and can be viewed or downloaded from this website. The current versions of these reports that are available are:
Past Project Phase - Previous Studies (Prior to the formation of SERTA its KRM plan)
In 1998, a feasibility study was completed and concluded that establishing a commuter rail service from Kenosha through Racine to Milwaukee was technically and financially feasible. The final report for the feasibility study was published as SEWRPC Community Assistance Planning Report No. 239 and documents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations for transit service improvements in the Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee corridor. The report can be viewed by clicking on the following link:
An alternatives analysis of commuter rail and bus alternatives for the KRM corridor followed completion of the feasibility study, looking at costs, benefits, and impacts of the alternatives. In the Spring of 2003, public informational meetings and hearings regarding the study findings and preliminary recommendations were held and were well attended with many comments being received. The study Advisory Committee subsequently recommended that the project move into the next phase of development. The final study report for this analysis was published as SEWRPC Community Assistance Planning Report No. 276 and can be viewed by clicking on the following link:
An alternatives analysis of commuter rail and bus alternatives for the KRM corridor followed completion of the feasibility study, looking at costs, benefits, and impacts of the alternatives. In the Spring of 2003, public informational meetings and hearings regarding the study findings and preliminary recommendations were held and were well attended with many comments being received. The study Advisory Committee subsequently recommended that the project move into the next phase of development. The final study report for this analysis was published as SEWRPC Community Assistance Planning Report No. 276 and can be viewed by clicking on the following link: